LAW-COPYRIGHT Freethinkers attribution
Just a reminder; as with all original literary material, my own thoughts - as posted via Freethinkers - and forwarded by many of you to your friends & family, are automatically copyrighted at the moment I create them; as is any intellectual property.
Recently, it has come to my attention that a few of you are forwarding my comments sans attribution - not providing Freethinkers as the source. In future, please include, with any dissemination of my original intellectual property, the following:
1 via Freethinkers
3 My name: Nigel j Watson
2 my e-mail:
This will happen automatically, as my e-mail “signature” (below) is forwarded along with the posted material itself. In other words, the person forwarding my original writings has to physically remove my signature before the forwardee will be unaware of the source.
Please do not do this.
You will notice that all Freethinkers posts carry the source for the article/s (except, of course, my original content). These sources retain the same copyright protection as my own material. Please ensure that you treat the articles’ sources as you do mine; include the source when you forward.
My only purpose here is to make you aware of my, and others’, rights under copyright. This is not meant to dissuade any of you from forwarding Freethinkers postings far and wide. In fact, they were designed with such use in mind.
Consider this post as necessary housekeeping; nothing more.
“I only said the Pledge once, but, I meant it.” - Ray Yazell (courtesy of Jeff Harper)
Nigel J Watson 727 822-9290 Real Estate Broker - serving
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